Importing a Project

To import a project, you need to have the .kProj file for the project you want to import. The .kProj file is created during the project export process. Its important to note that a .kProj file only contains the project's structure and information (title, description) and forms (including all of the form structure). The .kProj file does not include the project's records. To learn how to export and import records, check out the "Exporting a Record" and "Importing a Record" guides. To learn how to import a multi form record, check out the "Importing a Multiform Record" guide.

To import a project, follow these steps:

  1. From anywhere in Kora, click on the Projects option in the top menu bar.

  2. In the dropdown menu, click the Import Project Setup. This will bring you to the Import Project Setup page.

  3. On the Import Project Setup page, either drag and drop your .kProj file from you computer into the box or choose the Select the Project File here to choose the file using your file browser.

  4. Once you have provided your .kProj file, click the Upload Project File button.

  5. After you've uploaded your .kProj file, the view will change to the Project Information tab. Here you have the option to enter a project name and description, or you can leave these options blank to use the name and description from the original project.

  6. Once you have finished, click the Import Project & Information button.

This will automatically upload the project into your Kora instillation.

Note: If you wish to learn how to export a project, visit the "Exporting a Project Guide."