System Requirements

Kora requires a server environment with at least 1 GB of free storage and 1 GB of RAM, deployed with what is referred to as a LAMP Stack. LAMP stands for:

  • Linux Operating System
  • Apache (Version 2.0)
  • MySQL (Version 5.7.20)
  • PHP (Version 8.1.0)

These versions are Kora's minimum version requirements.

Oftentimes, the server environment will rely on minor variations of these. For instance, the httpd (or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon) version of Apache 2 is often used.

Use whichever installer is available for your Linux-based environment to install — or confirm installation of — the most recent versions of these basic applications in your Linux server environment. Common installers include apt (Advanced Package Tool) and yum (Yellowdog Updater, Modifier).

(Additionally, Kora requires Composer. This is already included in some environments, such as Reclaim Hosting ones, but may need to be installed; the LAMP Stack installation guide for Kora includes installing Composer in an early step in the process.)

PHP Packages

After confirming the environment is a LAMP Stack with the appropriate version levels for MySQL and PHP, it will be important to install several additional PHP packages. These are:

php-common php-mysql php-xml
php-xmlrpc php-curl php-gd
php-imagick php-cli php-dev
php-imap php-mbstring php-opcache
php-soap php-zip php-intl

Install the versions of these packages that correspond to the version of PHP you have installed as a part of your LAMP Stack.

If other issues arise, it may be that some other PHP modules not included in the core PHP installation or packages listed above are also required. Kora is build on the Laravel PHP Framework, so it is possible one of its required PHP modules is missing from your server environment and so the culprit.

Enabling mod_rewrite

Kora is designed to have only its "public" folder accessible online. To accomplish this, it uses an Apache module called mod_rewrite to manage internet browser navigation within the installation, via the ".htaccess" file inside the "public" directory. Different servers handle enabling and disabling mod_rewrite in different ways, so it will be important for you to find out how this is managed with your specific circumstance and then confirm that mod_rewrite is enabled for the domain where Kora is accessed. In the case of Reclaim Hosting, enabling or disabling mod_rewrite

This sometimes requires finding the ".conf" file for your version of Apache, which contains the overarching permissions for, among many modules, mod_rewrite. Determining where this ".conf" file is saved is sometimes possible by temporarily creating a webpage on your domain that provides a full readout of your PHP configuration.

  1. Create a file named "server-readout.php" in the root directory for your domain; this is often named "html", "public", or "www". Further, it is often also the inner-most of these directories; this means, if the directory "www" exists, but inside this is a subdirectory named "html", the root directory is most likely "html".

    Inside the created file, put the single line:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    To do this via an SSH Terminal connection instead, navigate to the domain root (again, often named "html", or "public", or "www") and then use the following command to create this file with the same contents:

    echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > server-readout.php
  2. Once created, you can navigate to this file in your brower: http(s)://

    This page has a ton of sensitive information, so you should not leave it up for long. It has a banner similar to this at the top:

    Scrolling down to the section called "apache2handler" or similar, you will find the apache root directory — which will contain the relevant ".conf" file — as well as confirmation that mod_rewrite is loaded generally as a module, as noted in this screenshot:

  3. If the mod_rewrite module is not loaded, use the version of apache your environment is running to search for case specific instructions on how to load it. For instance, for an environment using a default version of apache2, you might run the following commands one at a time:

    sudo a2enmod rewrite

    sudo systemctl reload apache2

    Each of these commands uses sudo, which tells the linux system to run the command as a super user (it's an acronym for "super user do"). It is necessary to also restart apache, in order for the change to take effect. In the case of some servers, such as Reclaim Hosting environments like Domain of One's Own, this will be all that is necessary to get mod_rewrite correctly configured. However, for others, such as a DigitalOcean droplet, it may be necessary to make further adjustments.

'Upstream' configuration of AllowOverride setting

The DigitalOcean-oriented Kora installation guide (which is most relevant to installing Kora in any kind of barebones server environment) directs you to further configure mod_rewrite-related settings via your Virtual Host .conf file (see ). However, there are potential benefits to making this configuration further 'upstream', so to speak, in your server environment. It you would instead like to take advantage of these benefits, you can instead complete the following steps, and then omit the steps related to AllowOverride later on.

  1. For an 'upstream' configuration, you will next need to navigate to the aforementioned apache2 directory; in a DigitalOcean droplet with Ubuntu 22.04 and Apache2, this is at /etc/apache2. Inside of this directory will be the relevant "apache2.conf" file. (In the case of an environment using "httpd", this file will be named "httpd.conf" and may be nested further into an httpd directory.)

  2. Edit this apache2.conf (or httpd.conf) file. If using SSH or Terminal, open the file for editing by using the nano text editor that comes built in:

    sudo nano apache2.conf

    and scroll through, looking for a section that looks something similar to:

    <Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted

    In this case, the root directory for this domain is inside "html", which is inside "www", which is itself inside "var", so in this example the relevant code in the .conf file is for /var/www/. In other cases the relevant code will correspond to some other directory. In this example, note how AllowOverride is set to None; to allow mod_rewrite to work properly, change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All:

    <Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

    This defaulted setup is acceptable for all cases of Kora installs described in this documentation. However, if you have multiple domains running in the same server and do not want to enable mod_rewrite for all of them, you could instead insert the following new code block below the unaltered <Directory /var/www/> one.

    <Directory var/www/kora/public>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Require all granted

    This new block will only apply to the Kora public directory. If your Kora files are in some other directory (such as /var/www/public_html/kora/public), change the code accordingly.

  3. Save this change; if using SSH or Terminal, do this by exiting with the key combination "ctrl + x", and then hitting "y" to agree to saving the file. It will ask for the file name to be saved, but default to the file's current name, which is what you'll want. Hit "Enter" to save and exit nano.

  4. After adjusting this file, reload your apache2. Once again, if yours is the generic version, use:

    sudo systemctl reload apache2

Once finished, mod_overwrite will be enabled for your root directory.

Important: Remember to delete the .php page you created, containing your server information. This can be done via SSH or Terminal, when located in its directory, with the command:

rm server-readout.php

HTTPS and SSL Certificate

Kora requires the HTTPS protocol to be enabled for the domain in which it is accessible, which requires an SSL certificate. For some server environments, the included interface — such as cPanel — will have a section for enabling HTTPS and acquiring/associating an SSL certificate as a part of that process. Sometimes — such as with Reclaim Hosting environments, including MSU's Domain of One's Own accounts, and their corresponding cPanel — the SSL certificate and its renewal are handled behind-the-scenes, so to speak, and the certificate is acquired/associated when the HTTPS protocol option is enabled.

In other instances, it will be necessary to apply for an SSL certificate. This can be done in a number of ways, but the one most commonly used as a cost-free method is through a server application called Certbot, which manages the application, acquisition, and association of an SSL certificate from a free certificate supplier called Let's Encrypt. Certbot is a great option for those who need to go this route because it can also be configured to handle automatic certification renewals, since SSL certificates expire. The DigitalOcean guide for using Certbot is well-written and likely a good starting place even for someone acquiring an SSL certificate for a non-DigitalOcean environment.

The specifics of using Certbot will depend upon your domain, email address, etc. so it wouldn't be possible to provide a guide here. In addition to the DigitalOcean guide (linked in the previous paragraph), Certbot provides some more-granular instructions for use on their "Instructions" page, which should be enough to get the SSL certificate needed.

Google reCAPTCHA

Kora requires integration with Google's reCAPTCHA verification service. Instructions for how to implement this can be found in the Reclaim Hosting/Domain of One's Own installation guide.


Email No Longer Supported

Kora 3 no longer supports email integration. A previous iteration of Kora 3 would generate emails for a number of tasks, such as account creation or password resets, and so email integration was encouraged. All the account management tasks that appeared to require email integration were possible without it, as explained in the guide for managing Kora user accounts. Though email integration is no longer supported, the setup guide for configuring email is preserved for completeness of past documentation.

Original Email Explanation

Kora requires a Simple Mail transfer Protocol (SMTP) email server for sending emails related to new user sign-ups, invitations, or lost passwords. In some cases, the email server will be handled by some part of the included interface — including in many cPanel-based interfaces — but in others the email server may be managed via the SSH connection to the environment. When configuring Kora's email settings, it is possible to use an SMTP server on another domain, by providing the appropriate domain name for the server for "Mail Host," appropriate user email address from that server for "Mail User," and the email address's password in "Mail Password." Please see Step 5 of "Set Up Server Email and Link It to Kora." Additionally, if the "Mail User" and "Mail From Address" do not match, the recipient's mail client is more likely to flag the generated email as spam.

In the case of MSU's Domains of one's Own, emails have been entirely disabled to comply with a university-wide policy. If you are unable to set up an SMTP server to use with your Kora installation — such as on another, privately-managed domain — you will need to manage user creation and password resets manually. To do this, please consult the guide for manually managing Kora user accounts.-->