Creating a Form

A form is the mechanism by which you are able to generate records. It is similar to a form that you would fill out to catalog an artifact or object. It can contain multiple pages and various input fields. A form will determine the types of metadata that is generated for a project. Each project can have multiple forms depending on the types of objects you are recording or who your target audience(s) are. For example, you may have a form for text-based artifacts (such as archival documents) and another for physical objects.

Follow the steps below to create a form.

  1. Open your current project (You can find the list of your projects by clicking on the Projects button on the top menu).

  2. Click the Create a New Form button. This button is located below the description of your repository. This will bring you to a New Form page.

  3. Enter the name of your form under Form Name. This is a required field. For example: Artifact, Document, and Media can all be form names.

  4. Enter the form's description within the blank text area under Description. This is where you describe the purpose of this form. You are limited to a maximum of 500 characters.

  5. After you are finished filling out the page, click the Create Form button. This will create and then bring you to your form.

Note: At the bottom of this page you may also select any additional form adminstrators, individuals that will be able to modify the form you are creating. Administrators that are already a part of your project are automatically added (including yourself). Adding additional people will allow non-project adminstrator individuals to be able to modify this form. You can choose individuals from the dropdown menu, or you can type in a name to search the list. For more information, visit the Additional Form Administrators Guide.